CEU´s three universities in Valencia, Madrid, and Barcelona will be the first private Spanish universities to have their own headquarters in this European capital city.

The CEU San Pablo University Foundation has opened an office in Brussels aimed at promoting internationalisation and the entrepreneurship of their students and alumni. This office will promote networking for European projects driven by the CEU´s centres in Spain. CEU´s three universities, CEU Cardenal Herrera in Valencia, CEU San Pablo in Madrid, and Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona, will be the first Spanish private universities to have their own office, located on la Rue de la Science 114b, in this European capital city.

The MEP and ex Minister for Education, Pliar del Castillo, has given her support by attending the opening of this new office and by encouraging the entrepreneurs and alumni from CEU that were present at the event to: internationalise their projects as Brussels is “a perfect city for networking”.

International entrepreneurship

The Vicerector of Students and University Extension, María José González Solaz, attended the opening event on behalf of CEU Cardenal Herrera University. She stressed the importance of the creation of this office in Brussels in reinforcing the objectives of the CEU Emprende programme. With this programme, CEU-UCH accompanies and encourages the young entrepreneurs to generate innovative business ideas, advising them on the process of creating and starting their own businesses.

Eva Perea, Vicerector of Students at CEU Abat Oliba University, and Ricardo J. Palomo, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences at CEU San Pablo University in Madrid, also participated in the opening of the CEU San Pablo University Foundation´s office in Brussels.


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