In the last few years, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC) offers students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain a unique experience in one of our Embassies and Consulates abroad. This year, eleven of our students are among the ninety-two successful applicants who will be working in a wide variety of fields and destinations such as Houston, Río de Janeiro, Dublin, Istanbul or Miami…congratulations to all of you!

From February to May 2016, eleven students from University CEU Cardenal Herrera will be working in different Spanish Embassies and Consulates abroad in the framework of the annual MAEC Internship Program. The number of CEU-UCH students awarded represents 12% of the total number of internship opportunities offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation this year, a milestone we are extremely proud of.
Our successful students are currently carrying out their studies in the fields of Law, Political Science, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and will be enjoying this international experience in exciting destinations around the globe such as Paris, Miami, Buenos Aires, Valetta, Istanbul and Guatemala, among others. In order to participate in the application process, our students were required to send an up-to-date CV detailing their academic qualifications and language skills, as well as to pass an interview in English.
These internship opportunities are open to students of all Spanish universities, with a total number of 26 students of our university awarded since 2012. Our International Relations Office keeps our students informed on the current and future internship and exchange opportunities that might be of their interest at an international level.
Patricia Orts, student of our double degree in Law and Political Science, will be carrying out her internship in the Spanish Consulate in Istanbul. She chose this destination due to her interest in muslim culture, while Patricia Delas, currently studying Political Science, will be working for four months at the Spanish Embassy in Dublin. For both of them, implementing Spanish Foreign Policy is one of their main motivations since they hold a big interest in the field of International Relations.
On the other hand, student of Business and Law Joan Serra feels more attracted to all the topics related to Civil Law he is going to learn during his stay in Santiago de Chile: Registry, Consular Assistance, Visas and person-to-person contact with Spanish citizens living in the Chilean capital.
For students of Communication José Pablo Salvador (Journalism) and Cristina Torres (Audiovisual Communication), working in the Press Offices at the Spanish Consulate in Buenos Aires and the Embassy in Guatemala represents both a challenge and an opportunity to gain valuable work experience.
Working in an Embassy or a Diplomatic Mission is a unique opportunity that few people get to experience, so we hope that you all take full advantage of it!