The three campuses of CEU Cardenal Herrera University have joined the United Nations-led campaign.
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a campaign set up by the United Nations, CEU Cardenal Herrera University has pledged its support to fight this pandemic.
Our university, inspired by the United Nations campaign titled ‘Unite to end violence against women’, encourages its whole community to wear an orange piece of clothing so as to highlight the call to end violence against women without further restraint, ambiguity or delay. CEU-UCH also set up several ‘orange points’ around its campuses in Valencia, Elche and Castellón.
CEU-UCH students, professors and personnel at these orange points wrote messages that condemn this type of violence and that support those who fall victim to it. A manifesto of support to the cause was read at the campuses of Elche and Castellón.
Our university has, furthermore, been actively supporting the United Nations-led campaign on social networks by using the hashtag #OrangeUrWorld.
You can see all the photos of the day on our Facebook page and Flickr gallery!