On the first of September 2016 University CEU Cardenal Herrera welcomed its 140 new Erasmus+ exchange students for the beginning semester by organizing a Welcome Day for the incoming students. Organized by the International Relations Office at the start of every new semester as new exchange students arrive, the aim of the event is to help the students in integrating into the campus life at CEU UCH.
The event kicked off with introductions and welcoming messages from the university staff and continued with informative talks ranging from subjects such as registration, university curriculum, and course enrolment to how to access the student intranet and to obtain a student card for the library.
The campus services also introduced themselves to the new Erasmus+ students. The language services welcomed the exchange students to join their interactive language courses and to meet other students at The Hub 101, a space for language exchange where the CEU UCH students can discuss varied topics in a relaxed environment and, for instance, see movies and attend cultural workshops. The university sport services and Campus Life encouraged the students to join their activities as well.
The Welcome Day continued with a guided tour of the CEU UCH facilities. The students were shown around the campus and introduced to their new learning environment, and a welcome lunch of the traditional Valencian dish of paella concluded the Welcome Day.
This year 140 students arrived for the autumn semester at the CEU UCH through the Erasmus+ exchange programme. The students come from more than 20 countries in Europe — from Italy, United Kingdom, France, and Portugal to name a few.
“University CEU Cardenal Herrera receives all international Erasmus+ students with open arms as they enrich our life here at the campus,” says Maria José González, the Vice Rector for Students and University Life.