Students of Child Education and Primary Education at University CEU Cardenal Herrera in Elche, coordinated by different professors of the degree, have produced two websites, aimed at the education community, which contain definitions, pedagogical material and activities of teaching and learning that include different content related with the secure use of the internet during childhood.
The students, guided by Teresa Hernández Rodríguez, professor of Music and the subject of Social Sciences, and by Professor Edgar Mozas Fenoll, of educational Innovation and IT at CEU, have worked on a globalised project. A project, explains Mozas, “that is not registered in just one subject, but we have managed it together from several subjects. Also, it is a cooperative project with the aim of generating teaching material to function with childhood on risks of social networks”.
On both websites, open educational resources are offered so you can work through the dangers that children face on the internet, both at the stage of Child Education and Primary. “The generation of open educational resources (OER), part of the recommendations of international organisations such as UNESCO, the OECD or the European Union, which propose that the education community offers its own original educational material to be reused by the teachers who may want to use it”, says the professor. For this reason, both the Teaching students and the Department of Educational Sciences of CEU-UCH, offer the resources that contain the websites so they can be benefitted from in a practical way in classrooms.