Patents for Innovation International Summit & Expo (P4I 2022) is the largest European meeting point in Innovation and Tech Transfer. RUVID Association is one of the 81 exhibitors at P4I 2022 and presents in this summit patents by researchers from Valencian universities. Three of them are patents by professors at CEU UCH: a new material for remineralisation of dentine and enamel, by Salvatore Sauro; a new device for rectal cancer surgery, by Antonio Barrasa and Alberto Giménez; and a new way for conservation of biological samples in gelled blocks, called GeliKlotz, by Agustín Barragán and Vicente Esteve.
The aim of P4I 2022 is the creation of a market for the transfer of research results and the purchase and sale of scientific patents in this international summit. Do you know the patents by professor at CEU UCH in this summit? Watch the videos:
More about “Patents for Innovation” International Summit & Expo (P4I 2022)