The degrees in Architecture, Industrial Design and Veterinary Medicine at CEU Valencia are leading the rankings for the quality of teaching, occupying the number one spot amongst all the Spanish faculties that teach those degrees.
CEU Valencia is in first place in teaching quality in various degrees as well as coming in third place amongst the universities in the region of Valencia coming in just behind the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and the Universidad Miguel Hernández. The quality of teaching is just one of the 3 areas that is used in U-Ranking, developed by the BBVA foundation and the IVIE (Valencian Institute of Economical Research) along with research and innovation and technological development.
Architecture, Industrial Design and Veterinary Medicine are leading the rankings occupying the number one spot amongst all of the Spanish faculties that teach these degrees transcending the scope of the region of Valencia. Dentistry and Gastronomy are in second place in the national rankings with Pharmacy and Physiotherapy finding themselves within the top 10.
With regards to the teaching quality, the U-Ranking takes into consideration factors such as the ratio of the number of professors for every one hundred students and the percentage of professors with a doctorate; success rates, evaluation and drop out rate of students, percentage of international students and the number of postgrad students, according to the data of the System of Integrated University Information (SIIU) at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the facilities at the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).
The proposal from the BBVA foundation allows the student to personalise the ranking in line with their own interests and prioritise amongst the proposed themes – teaching, research and innovation – for the degree that interests them.
Many institutions try to help future students and their parents by developing lists of universities in the hope that it will simplify the complexity of comparing different academic establishments.