They have done it again. The students pursuing their last year in the degree programmes of Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication at CEU UCH have demonstrated that they know how to join forces to design and realise high quality creative campaigns. The opportunity came in the form of a joint exercise arranged for the students in the courses of Creación y Realización Publicitaria en soportes audiovisuales (Advertising) and Realización Publicitaria (Audiovisual Communication). This year the challenge was double: the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Association and the footwear company Coolway Freestyle.

The works designed by the students for the association aimed to spread information and to educate people about the reality of this rare condition and of the people and their families who endure its consequences daily. “When they diagnose your daughter with a rare condition that even the specialists don’t know how to pronounce, it is very hard. You feel lost. It is complicated also socially: even though our children don’t have features that identify them, which is something that many times helps them go unnoticed, sometimes people will give you looks and make condemning remarks, because our children don’t act how children their age are expected to,” said Beatriz Perelló, delegate of the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Association in Valencia.

The delegate continued on the importance of initiatives like that of CEU UCH “which make communication agencies available to associations with little resources”. “On one hand,” explained Beatriz Perelló, “we put out a lot of professional advertisements that will help us make the syndrome known, and, on the other, I believe that this experience will give the students priceless human training, as it educates them on other realities that are not so far from them themselves.”

Creating for Coolway Freestyle

In addition to participating in this learning initiative, the creative young people of CEU UCH have had the opportunity to try their talents in a commercial firm. Specifically with the footwear brand Coolway Freestyle, which briefed them about a commission to create an audiovisual piece for social networks.

“I think that it’s a good initiative for the students, as they get to work with the real needs of a company, and for us, as we get to observe how they understand the brand, the product, and how these young people interpret all that we want to tell,” says José María Navas, from the “Hype Department” of Coolway Freestyle.

Navas, also a former student of Advertising at CEU UCH, affirms that the company is very satisfied with the works of the students. “We were very pleasantly surprised with the technical quality of some of the proposals, and also with the distinct interpretations of what we had told we wanted to convey. In the event of not using the winning work, it’s more about the stylistic matters of the final work, which has to be coherent with what we are launching, than about the quality,” he explains.

Navas advises the students of Advertising and Audiovisual Communication of CEU UCH to treat the course work “as if they were commissions for clients. It’s a way to familiarise themselves with the reality that awaits them and at the same time to make a portfolio. They will be prepared.”

The presentation of the CEU students’ works was done at a unique setting, at the Aragón Cinema, where the prize ceremony for the winning teams took place. The first prize went to the team of Carlos Kronborg, Paula Aleixandre, Merche Brieva, and Begoña Sánchez (Audiovisual Communication) and Erik Casamayor, Francesc Planes, Erik Ruiz, Beatriz Maicas, Jonathan Sendra, and Alejandro Antón, from Advertising and Public Relations.

The second prize went to Clara Cervera, Samuel Rivera, Carla García, Víctor Salvador, and Pablo Ramón (Advertising) and Pilar García Llopis, Irene Sigrid Medrano, Claudia Gómez, Mariana Bravo, Irene Boned and Enrique Domínguez, from Audiovisual Communication.

Coolway gave a honorable mention to Azucena Arizo, Elena Doménech, Paula Ferre, and Camila Oppel (Advertising) as well as to Manuel Azaña, Borja Martínez, Jesús Ponce, Javier García, Francisco Carrasco, and Borja Pedrajas, from Audiovisual Communication.

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