Today (27th of January) we at University CEU Cardenal Herrera have welcomed more than thirty international candidate students and their families within the framework of the International Open Day, an occasion specially designed to give international candidates information about our academic offer, services, and the steps towards a successful application. Coming from countries such as Sweden, France and Germanythe candidates have arrived in our campus in Valencia, curious to hear what studying Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy or Dentistry among others is like at CEU UCH.

After a warm welcome our academic authorities and staff members have given informative talks on the admission process, different services, and the life at our campus in general. Our team has made sure that all candidates have been informed about the diverse Campus Life activities and the Hospitality services specifically aimed at our international students upon their arrival to Spain.

The candidates have also been introduced to Ucare, a new service package to be launched shortly that includes unlimited medical and legal consultations, a pharmacy courier service, a personal concierge to help with daily tasks, and a 24h emergency assistance line. In addition to these talks the candidates have had the opportunity to tour the facilities and to see first-hand what studying at our university really is like.

As always, we were delighted to see so many curious candidates from so many countries join us on this occasion, as it is truly the perfect opportunity to get first-hand information about University CEU Cardenal Herrera, our campus, facilities, and academic offer.

The university seems very well structured and the people seem very warm“, has told us Linnéa, a Veterinary applicant from Sweden. “I want to study in Spain because the culture and the weather are wonderful!“, she has added when asked about her motivations.

If you too are interested in studying at CEU UCH starting from September 2017, be sure to participate in our future International Open Days held on March 10, May 12, and June 16 at our campus in Valencia. Participation in our Open Days is free: however, advanced booking is required through this online form. You can attend any of the three scheduled events, but please specify the day you wish to visit us on the online form.

We look forward to seeing you!

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