Students of the degrees in Law, Business Management and Marketing of CEU Elche participate in several seminars in European institutions in Brussels and Bruges
Expanding the education in Law, Business Management and Marketingof our students, with lessons not included in the official study plans in order to improve their current training and future professional qualification in an international context has been the objective of the training experience that students of the Certificate in European Integration and Foreign Market of University CEU Cardenal Herrera have received during their visit to the European Parliament, and to the annual Economic Policy Conference of the Department of European Political and Governance Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges.
During their stay at the Brussels headquarters of the European Parliament, the students participated in a seminar focused on the activity of institutions in the European legislative process. The seminar, given by Jordi Sebastià, who was an MEP for Compromís during the first two years of this term, and an active member in two committees: Agriculture and Rural Development and Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, was devoted to analyzing the role of the European Parliament and, in particular, the work of the parliamentary committees.
The students of the CEU Elche had the opportunity to know how the lobbies of the European Union work, specifically the agricultural lobby, led by Javier Vall, of COPA-COGEPA, and Richard Borreani, Head of Agricultural Policies & Institutional Relations of Bayer CropScience, who touched on the role of official institutions and how to communicate with them.
“The participation of students in this activity not only served to broaden their knowledge, both theoretical and practical, but also made them think about the importance of the EU, reviving in them the European spirit born after World War II and now, in times of crisis, put into question. They were aware of how much work is done in Brussels and how the work of the EP has a direct and positive impact in our lives”, according to Professors Adela Aura Larios de Medrano and Maite Pastor.
A day later, the students traveled to Bruges, where they attended the Political Economy Conference of the Department of European Political and Governance Studies at the College of Europe, where the future of the Economic and Monetary Union was discussed. The College of Europe, founded in 1949, is the first global institution dedicated to postgraduate studies in European affairs. According to the coordinators of the certificate, “we wanted to show our students that it exists and how the best graduates from different countries work and are trained in European subjects. We wanted to influence the search for excellence that CEU has among its core values. Also, make our students see that everything is within their reach, but with much effort on their part; and that to reach their goals they have to make the most of their time at the University”.
An unparalleled experience for students who have benefited from this initiative, as relates Álvaro Pérez García (student of the double degree in Law and Business Management): “It was not just any trip, but the impulse I needed to consider living an international experience I realized that it is not enough to have two degrees, but it is necessary and fundamental to have a level of professional English (at least), skills to communicate efficiently and, above all, to face difficulties alone. I believe that mastering these skills makes you stand out both professionally and personally”.
“My experience in Brussels has meant an enrichment of the culture and image I had of it. The visit to the Parliament and the College of Bruges was interesting, as I had never before attended talks of this kind. I think it has been a good investment in training, and I would repeat this experience or a similar one”, adds Francisco Manuel Urban Antón, a Business Management and Marketing student.
An idea shared by law student Almudena Del Castillo Santamaría: “International and European law have always aroused great interest for me, so my expectations for this trip were high. And it did not disappoint me, because it was an enriching experience at all levels, both formative and personal”. The future lawyer, who encourages his classmates to participate in this experiences, stresses out the importance of opening the mind and knowing new places.