As hosting institution of this programme, the Technical School of Design, Architecture and Engineering of University CEU Cardenal Herrera welcomed in 2014 two researchers from BME-Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
The “Pioneers into Practice” programme’s 5th call will be launched on the 30th of January 2015 and will be open until the end of March 2015 in all of the participant regions. The main objective of this programme is to promote clean technologies, green projects and sustainable business through professional mobility. The Technical School of Design, Architecture and Engineering of University CEU Cardenal Herrera is host of this programme and the Region of Valencia is one of its participating European regions.
Researchers from BME-Budapest University of Technology and Economics Zsolt Szendre and András Futó have been the last pioneers into practice that CEU-UCH has welcomed as host institution during the first semester of the current academic year. Both of them have collaborated at the ESET (The Technical School of Design, Architecture and Engineering) with Research Professors from our degrees in Architecture, Industrial Design Engineering and Energy Engineering. The scope of their research focuses in the field of green technology applied to the fields of unmanned aerial vehicules (UAV) and urban sustainability.
Pioneers against climate change
The “Pioneers into Practice” programme, also known as PiP, brings together professionals from academic, business, research and administration sectors commited and aware with climate change. They can either apply as pioneers or as hosts.
The participants selected as pioneers will receive a financial support up to 8000€, and get placed in a different working environment for two 4-week placement, one in their own region and the other one in an international placement, to boost new opportunities and business models. In this way, both, pioneers and hosts might contribute to a reduction of energetic consume that implies gas emissions and greenhouse effect.
CEU-UCH, a european partner
The pioneers will be exchanged and performed between the European partners regions of the PiP programme: Central Hungary (Hungary), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Hessen (Germany), Lower Silesia (Poland), Utrecht (The Netherlands), Valencian Region (Spain) and West-Midlands(United Kingdom). As well as the outreach regions, like Cork/Dublin, Helsinki/Uusimaa, North of Portugal and Lisbon, Slovenia and Timis.
Covering the umbrella programme, it will be carry out a new practice involving learning, where the participants will develop and exchange knowledge and experiences about dynamic technology innovation in low carbon. The pioneers should take a multidisciplinary inter-sectorial focus with the activities which will take place, and for that there will be people from different training areas, working organizations, and different sectors.
PiP is a very interesting and successful programme where the information and knowledge exchange, the experiences and ideas outflow for setting up a high level new generation of experts, entrepreneurs and legislators to accomplish a low carbon economy in Europe, with the capacity to develop new products and services satisfying the new market needs and also to create new employment niches.
A Climate-KIC programme
This programme is supported by Climate-KIC. Climate-KIC is the EU’s main climate innovation initiative. It is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on mitigating and adapting to climate change. Climate-KIC consists of companies, academic institutions and the public sector. The organisation has its headquarters in London, UK, and leverages its centres across Europe to support start-up companies, to bring together partners on innovation projects and to educate students to bring about a connected, creative transformation of knowledge and ideas into products and services that help mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Climate-KIC currently has centres in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark and the UK and is represented in the regions of Valencia, Central Hungary, Emilia Romagna, Lower Silesia, Hessen and the West Midlands. Climate-KIC is one of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) created in 2010 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the EU body tasked with creating sustainable European growth while dealing with the global challenges of our time.