As some of you may already know. This is the very first time University CEU Cardenal Herrera offers students from all around the World a Pharmacy Degree in English! As exciting as it sounds, You may be wondering how’s it going…
Although we started a little later during the year and the schedule was a bit tighter, we got the opportunity to study Pharmacy in English regardless of how many students we were. We now get to study what we love in a Language that we know best. This just shows how much the University cares about its students, and that’s a very important matter. So, here’s a Big THANK YOU from the Pharmacy students to the University!
Now that the first semester has gone by. It was stressful, but at the same time very interesting. We studied amazing subjects and learned from many professors who are very passionate about what they teach. You can tell how much they enjoy teaching by the energy they bring into the classroom. I, on the other hand, feel that I have learned so much in just a short period of time, which is an aspect that can only be achieved by amazing professors.
The subjects we study during the first semester are, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Structure & Function of the Human Body, and Introduction to Pharmacy. These courses provide a background knowledge that will help us better understand other modules. Therefore, they are essential Core Modules and are worth up to 6 ECT each.
There are six categories for each Module: Lectures, Seminars, Practicals, Workshops, Midterm exams and Final exams. Unlike seminars, practicals and workshops, Lectures are not mandatory to go to. However, if you want to get the best mark possible, it is important to attend them. You will understand way better than just reading PowerPoint.
Each subject is organized based on the professor. However, the main rule for many of them, is to pass the final exam in order for the credits that you have earned in Seminars, Workshops, Practicals and Midterms to be added. If you do not get a 5/10 on a final, you would have to retake the exam in July.
Nevertheless, many Professors are very helpful. They try to help us achieve the best that we can. Some would even give us appointments to meet with them in their office for any questions that we may have. Which can be very useful, especially right before exams.
All in all, the course in general is going great, we are learning new things everyday, not only in lectures, but in Labs as well, which are really fun. We are a small group of students from different countries, however, we are all very close to each other. Honestly, I would not have asked for a better group of students.
The truth is, University life… It’s not that easy. But if there is one thing I can tell you for sure is that… You and only you can determine whether it’s easy or hard. Only you can make it the best, or the worst time of your life.
If you work hard on your studies, join activities, meet new friends and enjoy the journey together, then it will be the best time of your life. If you choose not to take it seriously, and choose not to bother trying… Then it may be the worst.
This is the time where you get to control your own life. It’s where you get to become whoever you want to be, and be able to prove yourself. This is the time where you can shine… So make sure to shine bright!