The housing concept evolution, in terms of architecture, interior design and technologies will be the focal point of this international week that will take place from February 3rd to February 7th.
Under the title “ iHome, from the modern house to the future home”, architects, designers, computer engineers and teachers from 12 European Universities will lead sessions and workshops to think about future homes, during the second international iWeek, organized by the High School of Technical Education of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. This session will focus on the trends of three educational fields of the ESET (Architecture, design and technologies) that would be applied to homes in the next years, with the contribution of invited teachers who come from various European countries.
The Politecnico di Milano, the Austrian Kunstuniversität de Linz, the Danish Aarhus School of Architecture, the LUCA SchoolorArts of Belgium, the Escola Superior Artística (ESAP) de Oporto, as well as Universities and High schools of Technical Education of European capital cities such as Tallinn, Lublin, Riga, Prague and Coimbra will participate in this iWeek through presentations and workshops led by their teachers. In the CEU-UCH University, all of them will address characteristics of the new domestic spaces in which we will live in the future through reflections on the different ways of inhabiting it, application of new materials and new technologies and the design of elements that will make part of those spaces.
The opening meeting will be held by the professor Enric Bas, director of FUTURLAB-TheLaboratory of AppliedForesight of the University of Alicante, on the next 3rd of February, at 12 P.M, in the headquarters of the ESET. The members of the architectural office of Dublin Mc Cullough-MulvinArchitects will be in charge of the closing conference, on the 7th of February, after five intense days that will combine lectures of the European invited professors with the work of teachers and students during four workshops concerning new ways of living that will characterize architecture, design and technologies of future homes.
Click here to download the complete sessions and speakers program for the Second iWeek organized by the ESET: iWeek ESET 2014.