Luis López Córcoles, Salvador García Ochoa and Hamza Abdalas are taking part in this event thanks to the signed agreement between this Portuguese university and the ESET of CEU-UCH

Three architecture students from CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Luis López Córcoles, Salvador García Ochoa and Hamza Abdalas, have been invited by the Escola Superior Artística do Porto to their international architecture workshop. This Portuguese university is hosting the event from the 5th to the 14th of September. The workshop´s objective is to set out innovative proposals for the redesign of public places and for the illumination of the Portuguese city of Águeda. They are to do this by combining the issues of nature and sustainability with the help of renowned professionals and teachers.

Included among the professionals that are invited to lead the sessions is the well-known architect José Mateus, joined by Maria Manuel Oliveira from the University of Minho, Francisco Arqués from the ETS de Arquitectura de Madrid, and Gilles Clément from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage á Versailles (ENSP).

The Portuguese university is financing the stay of CEU-UCH´s students in Oporto so they can participate in this international event. Students and professors from the Facoltà di Architettura dell’Universita diChieti de Pescara (Italy), the Aalto University (Finland), the Facoltà di Architettura dell’Universita di Ferrara (Italy), the Brandenburgische Technische Universitat Cottbus (Germany), and the Portuguese universitis of Porto, Coimbra and Aveiro will also be attending.

ESAP-ESET Collaboration

In addition to the collaboration over this workshop, it is expected that the director of the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Michele Cannatà, an internationally renowned architect, will visit CEU-UCH as part of an Erasmus Staff academic exchange by the end of September. He will work on creating new joint ventures between the two universities as well as give a lecture to architecture students from this university.


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