From April, 15 to 17, the Faculty of Veterinary Science at CEU Cardenal Herrera University hosts its 3rd International Week, with a complete program of activities in which professors from different countries are sharing their experiences and strategies in the studies of Veterinary Sciences with students from the first to the fifth course. Some of the main subjects they will give lectures about are the latest advances in Veterinary clinical pathology, animal production and food hygiene and technology.
The training of veterinary students at CEU Cardenal Herrera University has four main strengths: the quality and excellence, practical work associated with finding employment, the personal attention given to students and the internationalization of studies. That’s why CEU-UCH hosts an International Veterinary Week every year, in which teachers and researchers from different countries are invited to show the latest advances in Veterinary Sciences.
The professors invited for this third edition are Leonardo Leonardi from the Veterinary Medicine Department at the Università degli Studi di Perugia; Cristiano Bombardi, from the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University of Bologna; Rodrigo Nova from the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham; and Joaquín Vicente from the University Castilla-La Mancha. Beatriz Garrido and Irma Villanueva, from Royal Canine, and Victoria Moreno, group chief in Neuronal and Tissue Regeneration Lab at Research Centre Príncipe Felipe, are also participating as lecturers invited in this 3rd International Veterinary Week at CEU-UCH.
The objectives of this encounter are to share teaching strategies and methodological disciplines around practical or theoretical disciplines linked to the studies of Veterinary Sciences, as well as to discover different specific realities of the European context in our disciplines. Another objective is to promote dialogue on a successful diffusion of information and cooperation between the different players in animal health standards, human health and consumer wellbeing.