Eight professors from the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Turkey and Latvia participate in this international meeting about academic teaching in English, with CEU-UCH professors
Anne Morris, from London School of English; Jelena Malesko and Irina Sidorcuka, from Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration (RISEBA); the Italian professor Felipe Quintero-Tedesco, from Siena University; Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz, from University of Lower Silesia; and professor Ali Dikici, from University of Harran in Turkey are invited to take part in the CEU Cardenal Herrera International Week from June 18th to 20th. Together with CEU-UCH Language Service professors Raquel Nielfa and Pilar McGillycuddy, on this 2nd iWeek they will be leading different workshops about lecturing in English.
Some of the contents of this 2nd International Week at CEU-UCH in Valencia will focus on functional strategies to improve academic skills in English, the role of English as Lingua Franca in multicultural working and studying environments, and the need to hold lectures in English and become more open towards the European Higher Education Area.
Training sessions, workshops and colloquiums will complete the programme of this iWeek, full of practical techniques helpful for the CEU-UCH professors that will take part in it. CEU Cardenal Herrera University will offer next year seven bilingual Degrees in English and Spanish: Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Architecture, Energy Engineering and Veterinary.